We pride ourselves on delivering the best teaching and pastoral care but if a matter is brought to our attention, the Academy will give careful consideration to all concerns or complaints and deal with them fairly and honestly.

We will provide sufficient opportunity for any concern or complaint to be fully discussed, and aim to resolve it through open dialogue and mutual understanding.

The Academy will respect our parents’ and students’ desire for confidentiality wherever possible, although some information sharing may be necessary to carry out a thorough investigation. Our Guidelines for Complaints Policy can be downloaded from below.

Park Academy Complaints Policy 01SEP2021

Park Academy Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme April 2021

Park Academy Parents and Pupils Privacy Notice April 2021

Contact for queries: info@park-aspirations.com 01895 430066

Privacy Notice – Data Protection Act 1998

PRIVACY NOTICE for the school workforce employed or otherwise engaged to work at Park Academy.

Park Academy is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act.

Personal data is held by the Academy about those employed or otherwise engaged to work at the Academy. This is to assist in the smooth running of the Academy and/or enable individuals to be paid. This personal data includes some or all of the following: identifiers such as name and National Insurance Number; characteristics such as ethnic group; employment contract and remuneration details; post ‘A’ level qualifications; and absence information.

The collection of this information will benefit both national and local users by:
improving the management of school workforce data across the sector;
enabling a comprehensive picture of the workforce and how it is deployed to be built up;
informing the development of recruitment and retention policies;
allowing better financial modeling and planning;
enabling ethnicity and disability monitoring;
supporting the work of the School Teacher Review Board and the School Support Staff Negotiating Body.We are required to pass on some of this data to the Department for Education (DfE)

Find out more

If you require more information about how the DfE store and use this data please go to the following website:


If you are unable to access this website, please contact Park Academy or the DofE as follows:
Park Academy
Park View Road
Tel: 01895 430066
Fax: 01895 430062


Public Communications Unit LG36
Department for Education
Mowden Hall
Staindrop Road

Paying for information
Information published on this website is free, although you may incur costs from your Internet service provider.


Paper copies
You may request a paper version of any of these documents. Please contact the academy by telephone, email, fax or letter. Contact details are available by clicking here. To help us process your request quickly, please mark any correspondence ‘POLICY DOCUMENT REQUEST’ (in CAPITALS please).


Additional information
If the information you are seeking is not available you can still contact the academy to ask if we have it.


Service costs
If your request requires photocopying or printing, or incurs a significant postage charge, it may be necessary to charge. Where this is the case, we will let you know before going ahead with your request.

Where next



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